EnglishHindiVideoAudioTMAEnglishHindiHindiEnglish Curriculum - - - Tutor Mark Assignment - - - - Book-1--- - ---- Pre-pages-1-------- Chapter-1 (Basic Concepts of Warehouse)-------- Chapter-2 (Warehouse: An Opportunity to Development)-------- Chapter-3 (Types of Warehouses)-------- Chapter-4 (Warehouse Organization Structure -Roles and Responsibilities)-------- Chapter-5 (Functions of Warehouse)-------- Chapter-6 (Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Warehouses)-------- Chapter-7 (Process Involved in Shipment of Goods) - - - - - - - - Chapter-8 (Procedure for Arranging Freight)-------- Chapter-9 (Put Away of Goods)-------- Chapter-10 (The Safety Rules In A Warehouse)-------- Chapter-11 (Cargo-Procedure)-------- Chapter-12 (Familiarisation with the Industry)-------- Chapter-13 (5S Concept on the Shop Floor)-------- Book-2-------- Pre-pages-2-------- Chapter-14 (Inventory - An Introuduction )-------- Chapter-15 (Types of Inventory) - - - ----- Chapter-16 (Meaning of Supply and Demand)-------- Chapter-17 (Importance of Inventory Management)-------- Chapter-18 (Inventory Management Techniques)-------- Chapter-19 (Factors Determining Distribution Process in Logistics)-------- Chapter-20 (Cost-Effectiveness of Transportation)-------- Chapter-21 (Warehouse Automation, Optimization)-------- Chapter-22 (ERP Used In WMS)-------- Chapter-23 (Career Opportunities In Logistics)-------- Sample Question Paper & Marking Scheme-------- --------