EnglishHindiVideoAudioTMAEnglish Learner's Guide Hindi Learner's Guide Hindi WorksheetEnglish Worksheet First PageFirst Page--Tutor Marks Assignment--- Module I: Foundations of Psychology ------General Instructions for Worksheet 1. Psychology: Understanding Self and Others (150 KB) 1. मनोविज्ञान : स्वयं और दूसरों को समझना 1 UNDERSTANDING SELF AND OTHERS (Part-1) 1 UNDERSTANDING SELF AND OTHERS (Part 2) 1 UNDERSTANDING SELF AND OTHERS (Part 3) L-1-LG-1-WS-1WS 1 2. How Psychologists Study? (149 KB) 2. मनोवैज्ञानिक कैसे अध्ययन करते है ? HOW PSYCHOLOGISTS STUDY PART 1 (CH_28) HOW PSYCHOLOGISTS STUDY PART 2 (CH_28) HOW PSYCHOLOGISTS STUDY PART 3 (CH_28) 02 HOW PSYCHOLOGY STUDY (PART 1) 02 HOW PSYCHOLOGY STUDY (PART 2) 02 HOW PSYCHOLOGY STUDY (PART 3) 1. L.2 (Part1) 2. L.2 (part-2) 3. L-2 (part-3) -LG-2-WS-2WSt 2 3. Biological and Cultural Shaping of Mind and Behaviour (249 KB) 3. मन और व्यवहार की जैवकीय और सांस्कृतिक रचना 03 Biological and cultural of mind and behavior part 1 (Sr. Sec) 03 Biological and cultural of mind and behavior Part 2 (Sr. Sec) 03 Biological and cultural of mind and behavior Part 3 (Sr. Sec) 1. L.3-LG-3-WS-3WS 3 4. Becoming Aware of the World Around Us (190 KB) 4. अपने आस-पास के संसार से अवगत होना 04 PART 01 BECOMING AWARE OF THE WORLD AROUND US (Sr. Sec) 04 BECOMING AWARE OF THE WORLD AROUND US PART 02 (Sr. Sec) 3. L-4-LG-4-WS-4WS 4 5. Attention and Perception (225 KB) 5. अवधान और प्रत्यक्षीकरण 05 Attention & Perception (PART 01) 5 Attention & Perception (Part-2) 4. L-5 (part1) 5. L-5 (part2) -LG-5-WS-5WS 5 Module II: Key Psychological Processes -------- Learning Process and Acquiring Skills (223 KB) 6. सीखने का प्रक्रम तथा कौशल अर्जित करना6 Learning Process and Aquiring Skills Part 2 (Sr.Sec) 1. L-6 -LG-6-WS-6WS 6 Remembering and Forgetting (118 KB) 7. स्मति और विस्मति 07 REMEMBERING AND FORGETTING PART 2 (Sr. Serc)2. L-7-LG-7-WS-7WS 7 Going Beyond the Reality: Thinking and Reasoning (114 KB) 8. यथार्थ के आगे : चिन्तन और तर्क L-8 Going beyond the realty-Thinking and Reasoning Part-II (Sr. Sec) 08 GOING BEYOND THE REALITY THINKING & RESONING (PART 02) 08 GOING BEYOND THE REALITY THINKING AND REASONING Part 01 (Sr. Sec)3. L-8-LG-8-WS-8WS 8 Motivation (127 KB) 9. अभिप्रेरणा 09 MotivationL 9-LG-9-WS-9WS 9 Emotions (166 KB) 10. संवेग10 EMOTIONL-10-LG-10-WS-10WS-10 Module III: Developmental Processes -------- Development: Its Nature (124 KB) 11. विकास : स्वरूप11 Development and its nature (Sr. Sec) 1. L-11 2. L-11 (part2) -LG-11-WS-11WS-11 Domains of Development (154 KB) 12. विकास के क्षेत्र12 DOMAINS OF DEVELOPMENT--LG-12-WS-12WS-12 Adolescence (98 KB) 13. किशोरावस्था-3. L.13-LG-13-WS-13WS-13 Adulthood and Aging (142 KB) 14. प्रौढावस्था और वद्धावस्था 14 Adulthood and again Part 1 (Sr.Sec)4. L-14-LG-14-WS-14WS-14 Understanding Individual Differences: The case of Intelligence (152 KB) 15. वैयक्तिक भिन्नताओं को समझना : बुद्धि का प्रकरण 15 Understanding Individual Differences : The Case of Intelligence Part 1 15 Understanding Individual Differences: The Case of Intelligence Part 2 5. L.15-LG-15-WS-15WS-15 Module IV: Self and Personality -------- What is Self? (81 KB) 16. आत्म क्या है ?16 What is Self?1. L.16-LG-16-WS-16WS-16 Self and Psychological Processes (102 KB) 17. आत्म और मनोवैज्ञानिक प्रक्रम17 Self and Psychological Processes--LG-17-Ws-17WS-17 Personality Theories (124 KB) 18. व्यक्तित्व के सिद्धांत18 Personality Theory 1. L.18 (part1) 2. L.18 (part 2) 3. L.18(part3) -LG-18-WS-18WS-18 Personality Assessment (58 KB) 19. व्यक्तित्व का मूल्यांकन19 Personality Assessment1. L.19-LG-19-WS-19WS-19 Psychological Disorder (73 KB) 20. मनोवैज्ञानिक विकार20 Psychological Disorders4. L-20-LG-20-WS-20 WS-20 Module V: Social and Applied Psychology -------- Group Processes (84 KB) 21. समूह प्रक्रम21 Group Processes1. L-21-LG-21-WS-21WS-21 Person Perception and Interpersonal Attraction (69 KB) 22. व्यक्ति प्रत्यक्षीकरण और अंत-वैयक्तिक आकर्षण22 Person Perception and Interpersonal Attraction--LG-22-WS-22WS-22 Man Environment Interaction (77 KB) 23. मनुष्य-पर्यावरण अंत:क्रिया---LG-23-WS-23WS-23 Psychotherapy (66 KB) 24. मनोरोग चिकित्सा24 Psychotherapy--LG-24-WS-24WS-24 Health Psychology (91 KB) 25. स्वास्थ्य मनोविज्ञान25 Health Psychology--LG-25-WS-25WS-25 Optional module Module VI: Optional Module -------- World of Work-------- Education and work (89 KB) 26A. शिक्षा और कार्य26A Education and WorkL.26-LG-26A-WS-26AWS-26A Career Development (122 KB) 27A. कैरियर विकास27A Career Development--LG-27A-WS-27AWS-27A Vocational Choice and Vocational Adjustment (108 KB) 28A. व्यावसाय का चयन और समायोजन28-A Vocational Choice and Vocational Adjustment--LG-28A-WS-28AWS-28A Stress and Your Health (113 KB) 29A. दबाव और आपका स्वास्थ्य29 Module A : Stress and Your Health--LG-29A-WS-29AWS-29A Stress management and Well-Being (115 KB) 30A. दबाव प्रबंधन और कुशलक्षेम30 Module A : Stress Management and Well-being--LG-30A-WS-30AWS-30A Facilitating Early Childhood Education-------- Developmental Patterns in Early Childhood (92 KB) 26B. प्रारंभिक बचपन में वैकासिक संरचना---LG-26B-WS-26BWS-26B Play Centre: Objectives (109 KB) 27B. खेल केन्द्र : उद्देश्य 27 Module B : Play Centre: Objectives - -LG-27B-WS-27BWS-27B Play Centre: Structural Details (104 KB) 28B. खेल केंद्र: संरचनात्मक विवरण 28 B : Play Centre Structural Details--LG-28B-WS-28BWS-28B Planning and Conducting Programmes (122 KB) 29B. योजना बनाना और कार्यक्रमों का संचालन 29 B : Planning and Conducting Programmes--LG-29B-WS-29BWS-29B Involvement of Parents and Community in a Play Centre (94 KB) 30B. खेल केन्द्र में माता-पिता और समुदाय की सलग्नंता30 B : Involvement of Parents and Community in a Play Centre--LG-30B-WS-30BWS-30B